


 u  Would You Like to Start a Group Bible Study?


At least one and one half million abortions are performed every year in the United States.  We are now well over the thirty million mark.  We must ask ourselves, then, how many of our neighbors secretly hope for some form of comfort?  Of freedom?  Of peace?


If you are interested in ministering to those who are troubled and hurting after abortion, please pray.  Ask our Lord if He would have you serve by leading small Bible Study groups for men.


Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2


Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people,
especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Galatians 6:10




u  How Do I Prepare for this Ministry?


If you are to serve in this ministry, will you begin by thanking God?  He has worked in you to act according to His good purpose.  He even gave you the desire to help!

 ¨ Pray.  Surrender your will to our Father.  Ask Him for direction.  He will lead you to the men He wants you to serve.

¨ Fellowship with Jesus and with your brothers and sisters in Him.

¨ Study the Scriptures and delight in His Word.

¨ Familiarize yourself with this Bible Study.  The best way to do this is to complete every lesson.

¨ Make known your desire to encourage and serve post-abortion men.

¨ Be ready to provide a copy of this Bible Study for review by the following people:
Your pastor or the individual who oversees the outreach ministries in your church
Local crisis pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations, who often know men who are seeking help

¨ Obtain a commitment from your pastor or a Christian counselor to provide additional help should it become necessary.

Keep praying, asking our Lord for wisdom, patience, and a better understanding of how genuine love behaves.

¨ Ask God to direct you according to His will.

u  Prayer Support


Many needs arise during the course of this Bible Study.  Individual needs as well as the collective needs of the group must be brought before our Lord.  A few examples are:  honesty, unity, comfort, understanding, humility, understanding and obedience to God’s Word, and protection from the wiles of the evil one.


Prayer support is essential to the overall effectiveness of the weekly gatherings.

¨ Enlist others to regularly intercede in prayer for you and those in your group.  Confidentiality is a must. Exercise discretion and don’t supply names to the intercessors.

¨ Make arrangements to pray regularly with someone.


The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
James 5:16b



u  Role of a Servant


Your role as a group leader is to serve the men in your group.

¨ Diligently encourage, support, and pray for them.

¨ Give freely of your time.

¨ Correctly handle the Word of Truth.



 u  Atmosphere


The atmosphere must be one of unconditional love and hospitality.  Let all your words be seasoned with salt and full of grace.


u  Meeting Place


Select a location that is private ¾ a place where interruptions will not occur.

¨The environment should be comfortable, neat, and have a restroom. 

Meet at the same place every week.  Some groups may meet at the home of the group leader, others may meet in the local library’s meeting room, or at a crisis pregnancy center.

u  Specific Lesson Suggestions

Introductory Meeting

 ¨ Speak briefly about the purpose of the Bible Study.

¨ Review Group Guidelines and Responsibilities together.

¨ Ask each man why he is interested in the Bible Study.

¨ Let each man speak briefly about his abortion experience(s).  You should speak first.

¨ Ask each man what he hopes to gain from this Bible Study.


Lesson 5:  Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

 ¨ Offer extra worship and prayer time.  Allow each man to express his grief to God.

¨ With what does he need help?  What does he trust God to do?  For what does he give God thanks?


Lesson 6:  Love One Another

 ¨ Telephone each man in the group and ask him to plan to speak for 5-10 minutes.  Assign a section or two for him to discuss (for example, “Overcoming the World and Eternal Promises”).  Wait a day or two before the group will meet to make the calls.

What is the Lord teaching him?  What truths stand out clearly?  How have the truths affected him?


Lesson 7:  Our God Is an Awesome God

 ¨ Share each others’ drawings and letters.

¨ Consider participating in holy communion.


u  Supplies


¨ Your Bible.

¨ A copy of Silent Sorrow Bible study for each man in the group.

¨ A sign-up sheet for the introductory meeting (include name, address, and phone number).

¨ Name tags - enough for 2 or 3 meetings.

¨Worship tape with a collection of worship songs that are generally well-known or easy to learn.

¨ Cassette player.

¨ Cards to write prayer requests on (name should be omitted).

¨ Facial tissue, because tears will flow.  It IS okay for men to cry.

¨ Beverages and snacks.

  Helpful Tips


¨ To allow ample time for sharing, limit group size to five, including yourself.

¨ Meet once a week.  Avoid skipping weeks.

¨ Be prepared for each gathering.  Pray and choose specific questions from the lesson for group discussion.

¨ Be observant.

¨ Expect some awkwardness or constraint among the participants during the first few meetings.

¨ Keep the group united and focused on the subject at hand.

¨ Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.  (James 1:19)

Let your talk be helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  (Ephesians 4:29)

¨ Know that it is our Lord who is the true Counselor.  He brings both healing and peace.

¨ Relax.  Enjoy serving our most high God!



u  Suggested Format

¨ Gather together, get a refreshment, use the restroom

¨ Opening prayer

¨ Worship

¨ Prayer

¨ Opening question to “break the ice”

¨ The lesson ¾ discussion and review

¨ Complete and collect “Prayer Request Cards” for intercessors

¨ Homework assignment (the next lesson)

¨ Closing prayer

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